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YB Backup is one of the only cloud backup providers that monitors the success of customer backups



Fully Monitored

(YB) Backup offers the industry's only fully monitored cloud backup solution.  (YB) Backup will monitor your cloud backup sets hosted with (YB) Backup and we will notify you if there is a consistent issue that requires attention.  Once a problem is identified the (YB)Backup support team will assist you in resolving the issue.


Complete the Trial Form to learn more about how our competitive pricing and fully monitored service can keep your business protected.




(YB) Backup uses advanced security both at rest and in-flight: 256-bit AES encryption before data leaves the server, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) transport encryption. Customers have exclusive access to their encrypted data using a private encryption key.


Encryption is an advanced method of encoding data so that it is unreadable by people or computers without the encryption key.


Our cloud datacenters operate at the highest classification levels for reliability and performance. Independent annual audits attest to the fact that our datacenters and processes conform to the highest industry standards.

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